Sunday, December 18, 2011

Brief Background

Clayton and I (Chelsea) met on June 5, 2010 while on dates with other people.  Our first date was the very next day; June 6, 2010.  Over the span of 1 year 3 months and 18 days we experienced more than 12 road trips, 13 Holidays, 6 Lake Powell trips, countless adventures, a breakup, Clayton moving across the country for 3 months, me moving 3 times.... and eventually an ultimatum.  We decided to get married in early August and wasted no time in doing it.  We tied the knot on September 24, 2011.  3 days later, we packed everything we own and headed across the country to Indianapolis, IN.  We are now continuing our adventures and adjusting to married life in an unfamiliar culture.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


 In preparation for our ceremony and reception, Clayton and I spent about a month and a half renovating and decorating an old warehouse.

We were so blessed to have all of our family and many of our friends in attendance.  Being surrounded by those we love made our wedding day so much more blissful.


 The ceremony began at five o'clock in the evening. We were married by our favorite Stake President; The hilarious, insightful, John Livingstone.